Update the school if you have a new address, email, or phone number. It's important we have accurate information for future communication with our students and parents.
Bertrand VB Tournament Bracket 2024.pdf
Bertrand Invite Letter - 2024.pdf
For all automated streams and recordings in the high school gym and the football field including
JR High and JV games, check out our NFHS Network page (subscription required) - bit.ly/RavNFHS
or visit our Youtube channel for manually recorded events - bit.ly/ravcast
For away games, the NSAA has compiled a list of links here - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vS4-Ik2dDHmQzfZzQtk76I-Ab9M-H0F_jxqp3nTQ61zXuZiZYgiXk0zCGk4Qx6qOA/pubhtml