Update the school if you have a new address, email, or phone number. It's important we have accurate information for future communication with our students and parents.
For all automated streams and recordings in the high school gym and the football field including
JR High and JV games, check out our NFHS Network page (subscription required) - bit.ly/RavNFHS
or visit our Youtube channel for manually recorded events - bit.ly/ravcast
For away games, the NSAA has compiled a list of links here - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vS4-Ik2dDHmQzfZzQtk76I-Ab9M-H0F_jxqp3nTQ61zXuZiZYgiXk0zCGk4Qx6qOA/pubhtml